How the Biohazard Disinfection Process Keeps You Safe

How The Biohazard Disinfection Process Keeps You Safe

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need to worry about biohazards and how to safely or properly clean them up. Unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world. The biohazard disinfection process is designed to keep you safe, and there are certain requirements to follow. When these things are handled incorrectly, they can become dangerous.

If you’ve ever wondered just how the cleaning process really helps, keep reading!

What is a Biohazard?

You’ve probably seen the biohazard symbol before. Maybe in your doctor’s office, or even at work. When you see this symbol, you act accordingly.

A biohazard is a biological substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms. This definition generally relates to humans.

The biohazardous element itself could be liquid, chemical, gas, or solid.

Here are some examples of what might fall into the category.

  • Empty vials from vaccines
  • Infectious waste such as blood, used PPE, IV tubing, cultures, transfusion bags, or contaminated lab agents
  • Waste from an individual with a communicable disease
  • Waste from sharps (needles, scalpels, glass vials)
  • Pathological waste, like that from a biopsy procedure
  • Laboratory items contaminated by infectious disease
  • Gloves, surgical masks, gauze, etc. saturated with blood, bodily fluids, or infectious material

Biohazard Disinfection Process

The biohazard disinfection process includes using appropriate safety gear, as well as handling the item safely. For things like sharps, there are sharps containers to collect them. OSHA enforces strict guidelines for handling these materials, but you can easily refer to their requirements.

Other materials may require biohazard suits, but at a minimum they require gloves and masks. There are standards for transporting these substances as well.

The disinfection process should be handled by personnel trained to safely handle biohazard cleanup.

You need to be sure to handle the materials properly throughout the process. This includes removal, cleaning, disinfecting, transport, and even disposal.

In most cases, this type of cleanup is going to be directly related to blood or other bodily fluids.

The Dangers of Biohazardous Waste

Treat biohazard wastes like the serious threat that they are.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) splits biohazard into four separate categories. This split will help experts understand how to properly handle the situation.

The levels are:

  1. Level I poses minimal threat of spreading, such as E. Coli.
  2. Level II may cause severe illness. This spreads by direct contact with an infected material, such as HIV, salmonella, or Hepatitis B.
  3. The next is Level III biohazard, in which airborne pathogens are the source of the spread. The side effect is serious illness or disease, such as tuberculosis.
  4. The Level IV biohazard spreads easily with a high risk of life-threatening disease, such as Ebola or Covid-19.

Professional Biohazard Services

Facing circumstances with biohazardous waste is challenging. Because of this, it is important to know your options. As a result, consider bringing in a skilled professional to safely handle the task. Professional biohazard services, such as Austin Bio Clean, are prepared for just this scenario.

Give us a call today and see how we can help in your situation!



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