Crime has Gone Up in Austin During COVID-19

Crime Has Gone Up In Austin During Covid-19

The year 2020 has been an unpredictable roller coaster ride from the very beginning to the current day. Throughout that time, the rate of crime throughout the Austin area has risen and more people are suffering the resulting violence and trauma.

As of November 9, 2020, there have been 44 murders in Austin, Texas in 2020 and there may be more before the end of the year. At this same time last year, there were 31. That’s 44 people killed in this year alone who were mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends. The impact of these losses are widely felt throughout our community. While Austin typically does experience fewer such crimes than other large cities, we haven’t experienced this many murders in over 20 years.

Though there are no conclusive reasons why more violent crimes have occurred in 2020, recent news articles have speculated that the rise is due to factors involving the COVID-19 pandemic such as burglaries and vehicle thefts going up in part due to youth being out of school and domestic violence going up in part due to being at home more together.

Crime scenes involving blood and bodily fluids need professional cleaning

When a person experiences a crime on their property involving blood or bodily fluids, it can come as a surprise that the property owner is responsible for any needed cleanup, not the police. Once a scene is released by investigators, the property owner needs to contact a professional biohazard company to handle the cleanup and restore the scene. Regular house cleaners, let alone family and friends, don’t have the training required to properly clean an area infected with blood and bodily fluids. A professional company will have all the legally required licenses, cleaning tools, and person protective equipment to do the job safely.

Protect yourself by hiring us for crime scene cleanup in Austin

To the untrained eye, an area cleared of visible blood can appear to be safe but a biohazard technician knows this is not the case. Even if an area appears clean, there may still be unseen viruses and bacteria on the surface or hidden underneath building structure layers, ready to cause disease in other people or damage the integrity of the building. You also can’t simply throw away materials infected with blood and other bodily fluids in the regular trash. These items are legally classified as medical waste and must be disposed of with legal permits and licenses for safe transport. If such items are found improperly disposed of, the person responsible can face legal fines and be held legally responsible for any ensuing damage.

A quality biohazard cleaning company such as Austin Bio Clean knows what it takes to clean up blood and bodily fluids from all layers of a structure and how to properly disinfect all affected surfaces. With years of experience, we hold your information in confidence and treat everyone with compassion. Crime scene cleanup is also covered by most property insurance policies and we are happy to help you by taking the paperwork off your hands and filing a claim on your behalf.

We are a quick phone call away

We love our community here in Austin and don’t want anyone to experience this violence but if you do, we will be here for you to cleanup afterward so you can get on the road to recovery. Hopefully these higher rate of crimes such as theft, domestic violence, and murder will start to go back down but until they do, we are just a phone call away.



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