How to Cope with Suicide Cleanup

suicide cleanup

Dealing with a suicide in the family is a terrible thing to go through. Coping with the loss and then dealing with suicide cleanup can leave people lost, confused, and just not sure how to act.

Cleaning up, going through your loved one’s things, and working through practicalities is an essential part of healing from your loss. If you’re just not sure of how to cope or where to start, take a look at these tips.

You Are Not Alone

The first thing that you should remember is that you are not alone. It certainly may feel like you are. Rest assured that there are professionals that can help with the cleanup process, but there are also professionals that you can share your grief with.

Just know that you have support of every kind so you don’t have to face this on your own.

Plug into the support available. Bring in a cleanup crew so that you don’t have to deal with the aftermath. Find a good counselor who knows how to handle grief and work through your grief with them. Find support groups to connect with others who have been where you are.

Whatever you do, don’t just handle this on your own. You don’t have to bare your soul to the world, but use the support available to you.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

When it comes to cleaning up from the suicide itself, you shouldn’t have to face that. Sadly, when a suicide occurs, the officers, the coroner, and any first responders come through your home. When they leave, any type of mess remains where it was.

This leaves you to deal with bodily fluids, blood, and any other associated messes. It’s important to not just clean up the area, but also to disinfect. This will involve removing fluids and chemicals, cleaning up debris, disinfecting the area, and eliminating odors.

Remember that you don’t have to work through the suicide cleanup process on your own. You can bring in a biohazard cleaning company to help. These companies are trained to remove traces, disinfect, and get rid of any lingering odor issues as well.

Give Yourself Time

While cleanup from the suicide should happen almost right away, there are other parts of cleaning that you can put off until you are ready.

You are not expected to clean out personal belongings or return to normal life the next day. It’s going to take you time to go through the grieving process and be ready for any of that. Give yourself time to work through your emotions and feelings.

Those personal belongings are not going anywhere. Going through them will be vital for healing, but you don’t have to rush through the process either.

A Suicide Cleanup Company Can Help

There are many different ways to cope with suicide cleanup. Consider the mental and emotional aspects, as well as the physical cleaning needs. Take your time and know that you have support available to you.

If you need the assistance of a suicide cleanup company, Austin Bio Clean is here to help. Reach out to us and let us take care of things for you.



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