Crime Victims’ Rights Explained

cleaning up crime scenes

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Cleaning up crime scenes is a terrible side effect of facing a crime. We certainly never want anyone we know to be the victim of any type of crime. However, when it does happen, the victims do have rights. From cleaning up crime scenes to coping with the aftermath, every victim should know the rights that they have and be familiar with the resources available to them.

Crime Victims Rights Act

The Justice for All Act from 2004 held the Crime Victims Rights Act as one of the many pieces within it. These rights are primarily specific to federal criminal cases, but it’s a good starting point to understand the rights any victim should experience.

The Act specified eight rights. Here’s a quick summary of those.

  • Reasonable protection
  • The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely court proceedings, parole, releases, and escapes of the accused
  • To not be excluded from testimony, apart from specific circumstances
  • Be heard within reason at court proceedings and hearings
  • Right to reasonably confer with the case attorney
  • Full and timely restitution as provided by law
  • Proceedings without reasonable delay
  • Treated with fairness and respect for both dignity and privacy

These are not the exact words of the act, but it gives you the general idea of the provisions.

Aside from these basic rights outlined in the Victims Rights Act, you also have some basic rights to consider.

Cleaning Up Crime Scenes

One of your basic rights is to be able to clean up after the crime has occurred. Different crime scenes could have varying needs or requirements when it comes to cleaning up. However, the general crime scene will potentially have blood or other bodily fluids. It will depend on the crime that occurred.

Cleaning up the scene should be handled by professionals who are trained to clean and disinfect biohazard areas safely and effectively. Any materials here have to be handled very carefully, so a professional team is the best way to go if cleanup is needed.


Every crime scene victim should know that they have resources available to them. You are never alone. Regardless of the type of crime that you were the victim of, you don’t have to face it on your own.

In Austin, there are many available resources. The police department and fire department are both a resource if you ever feel unsafe. However, you also might consider some of the other options available as well.

  • Texas Crime Victims Compensation Division
  • Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas

You will also find that there are small groups and counseling options available that you can become a part of to cope and find others who have faced similar circumstances.

Professional Services

Whether you need help cleaning up crime scenes or you simply want to discuss resources and options, Austin Bio Clean is here to help. We are trained in handling crime scenes and various types of biohazard cleanup, but we can also help you find local resources for any crime situation.

We make every effort to work with discretion and help you through your challenging situations.



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