Resources for Crime Scene Cleanup in Austin

Resources For Crime Scene Cleanup In Austin

A crime scene can wreak havoc on those around it. From victims to responders to witnesses, everyone handles the aftermath differently. Thankfully, if you’re dealing with crime scene cleanup in Austin, you have resources available to you to help you out. 

Take a look at some of these resources that might be helpful if you are affected by a crime scene in Austin. 

Austin Police Department Can Help With Crime Scene Cleanup in Austin

At a crime scene, the Austin Police Department will likely be your first point of contact. Joseph Chacon serves as the current chief of police. The department is heavily involved in the community. 

In addition, they can help you after a crime with departments ranging from the special operation division to special response teams. You can check out their smartphone app and find helpful phone numbers on their website. 

Austin Fire Department

The Austin Fire Department is a valuable resource. While they may not be heavily involved in certain crime scenes, they are still here to serve you and the community for your needs. 

The fire department can obviously help with anything fire-related, but they also serve the community with health and wellness, inspection and permits, public education, and more. 

Crime Victims’ Compensation Program

The state of Texas has a crime victim compensation program (CVC) to help crime victims and the immediate families of crime victims with costs associated with the crime. 

These costs can include things like medical treatment, funerals, loss of income, and counseling. If you’re facing expenses that you simply don’t know how to deal with, this is a great resource. As a result, don’t skip out on something important like counseling because you feel you can’t afford it. 

Family and Protective Services

Another resource for crime scene cleanup in Austin is the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Also known as DFPS, this group supports parents, the elderly, caregivers, fostering, disabilities, volunteers, businesses, teachers, youth, and the general public. 

They have many resources to promote safe and healthy families and protect individuals from unfortunate situations. Depending on the crime or the crime scene involvement, they can be a valuable resource. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness

This National Alliance has locations throughout the U.S., including a location in Austin, Texas. 

Mental health can be one of the biggest impacts after a crime. Whether the victims are trying to cope or witnesses experience trauma, mental health is important. There are services available in the Austin area and other surrounding areas as well. 

You are not alone, and that is perhaps the most important thing to remember. 

Crime Scene Cleanup in Austin

Finally, you may need assistance with cleaning up the aftermath of a crime scene. When the responders have left, the scene remains. When you’re ready, Austin Bio Clean is here to help. 

We pride ourselves on quickly and safely cleaning up a home or business after a crime. Our services include cleaning and disinfecting. Contact us for more information or to get a quote! 



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